Masafumi Toyoshima, MD, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Identification of Targeted Therapies for MYC-Amplified Ovarian Cancer By Functional Genomics
The main goal of Dr. Toyoshima’s research is to investigate whether MYC synthetic lethal genes can be therapeutic targets for ovarian cancer in women whose MYC gene is amplified. Using a siRNA screening strategy this study will look to uncover genes that are essential for the survival of ovarian cancers with alteration of c-MYC expression. Specifically, Dr. Toyoshima will use siRNA and lentiviral vectors expressing short hairpin (sh)RNAs for stable knockdown of a selected group of MYC-synthetic lethal genes, and utilize available small molecule compounds to inhibit the function of these genes. These genes could represent great drug targets for ovarian cancer treatment.