Matjaz Barboric, PhD

Institution: University of Helsinki
Category: Investigating how ovarian cancer begins and progresses

Matjaz Barboric, PhD
University of Helsinki

Examining the Tumor Suppressor Function of Cdk12/CycK Kinase in Ovarian Cancer

Failure to understand key mechanisms contributing to the onset of high-grade serous ovarian cancer represents a barrier to diagnosis and treatment of this fifth-leading cause of death among American women. One of the likely factors promoting the disease is lesions in transcription elongation Cdk12/CycK complex, whose recurrent mutations have been identified. By generating human primary cell-based model cell lines containing these mutations, Dr. Barboric will examine the possible tumor suppressor function of Cdk12/CycK complex as well as its target gene regulatory circuitry, of which perturbations may be critical for the onset and maintenance of ovarian cancer.