Ramandeep Rattan, PhD

Institution: Mayo Clinic
Category: Investigating how ovarian cancer begins and progresses

Ramandeep Rattan, PhD
Mayo Clinic

TCEAL7, a novel regulator of NFkB-IL-6/STAT3 pathway in ovarian cancer

The causes of ovarian cancer are not well understood because of the complexity and the lack of understanding of the various genetic alterations in the development of ovarian cancer and its progression to chemoresistant disease. Dr. Rattan’s study is poised to be the very first report of a novel tumor suppressor gene TCEAL7, with the ability to transform nonmalignant ovarian surface epithelial cells to a malignant state by modulating the signaling of oncogenic transcription factors like NFκB and STAT3. Dr. Rattan’s goal is to provide valuable information towards identification of a novel gene and signaling pathways that lead to the development of ovarian cancer, which can be further exploited in developing new detection methods and designing therapeutic management for ovarian cancer. Most importantly, the resources generated from this study will be available to other investigators interested in advancing the understanding of ovarian cancer pathology in the hope that these advances will soon benefit ovarian cancer patients.