The world changed for Bobbie Hinton when her mother, Colleen Kirwin, lost her eight-year battle with ovarian cancer in 2011. Four years later, Bobbie herself was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Bobbie and her husband, Dave, are inspired by the work of the Rivkin Center and its fight against two devastating diseases for women: breast cancer is the most common and ovarian cancer is the most deadly.
“These diseases impact far too many women, and we need to change that for all future generations,” Bobbie said. “I don’t want my daughter, Emily, to have to worry about getting ovarian or breast cancer.”
The Hintons are proud to support the Rivkin Center in funding cutting-edge ovarian cancer research, providing ovarian and breast health education in the community, and supporting high-risk prevention and early detection programs.
Bobbie, a UW alum, and Dave want to help grow the Rivkin EDU program on campus, in addition to supporting important ovarian cancer research. The Kirwin Hinton Family are generous sponsors of the 2018-2020 University of Washington Rivkin EDU program.
Thanks to Dave and Bobbie’s support of the UW Rivkin EDU program, more than 600 individuals were educated on campus in 2018.
Rivkin EDU educates women in the community and on all PAC-12 college campuses about ovarian and breast health. Rivkin EDU workshops empower women to take action about their health by providing the tools for early detection, prevention, and self-advocacy.
A Rivkin EDU party (or workshop) is great way to educate colleagues, neighbors, family, and friends of any age, gender, and background on ovarian and breast health. Party attendees learn the importance of knowing their body, being an advocate for their health, and living a healthy lifestyle. Each workshop creates a space where attendees feel safe about asking questions, while making it a fun experience as they learn.
Workshops are led by trained health instructors who teach a curriculum in line with the latest scientific and medical knowledge on ovarian and breast cancer. An ovarian or breast cancer survivor is also there to share her journey, making the workshop more personal.
It’s simple: breast and ovarian cancer are often genetically linked. Having one of these two cancers puts you at risk for developing the other. Most women are aware of breast cancer, but ovarian cancer unfortunately, remains more of a mystery — Rivkin EDU is working to change that.
Thanks to Dave and Bobbie Hinton, the Rivkin Center is able to reach and educate more women to help save lives.