Meet a Rivkin Education Facilitator: Gail Fay


The Rivkin Center’s Education Program

cancan-instructorThe Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer’s Education program provides free health education workshops. Rivkin Edu facilitators help educate women about their health, and about their breast and ovarian cancer risks.

Say hello to Gail Fay, Rivkin Edu instructor.

About Gail

Where are you from? Burbank, California

Where do you live now and what does a typical day look like for you? I’m back in my hometown after being away for 24 years. Typical day: roll out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, and walk to my home office. Spend the day editing and/or writing with breaks to go to the gym, walk the dog, etc.

What do you do for fun? Play softball, run, hike, watch and discuss movies/documentaries with my husband

What is your favorite mantra? “You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

What is your favorite drink? Horchata

What advice would you give to your younger self? Don’t be so afraid of failure

What are you most proud of? Wrote a 350-page book for high school student-athletes

Where has been your favorite place to travel? Colorado

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? Used to drive a bus

Where do you go to find inspiration? Go for a run or go to the gym to shake out the cobwebs/refocus

Where’s your happy place? Nature, particularly the mountains

Who is your role model or mentor? Stuart Scott, former ESPN anchor and author of Every Day I Fight

How Gail got involved

What inspired you to get involved with Rivkin Edu? Wanted to start giving back in the cancer community and there was a need for a facilitator at UCLA/USC

What is your favorite memory from a Rivkin Edu party? My first party was coed and I was amazed at the excellent questions asked by the guys 

How can people help to support someone going through cancer? Just be as normal as possible around the person. Ask how you can help. Talk about whatever you would talk about before cancer happened.

What is the most important thing you want attendees to learn at a Rivkin Edu party? I have two things: (1) Know your body and get not-normal things checked out because early detection makes all the difference; (2) Get a second opinion if you’re not satisfied with the first.

How many Rivkin Edu parties have you attended? 10 parties

Do you have any events coming up? First party at USC next week

Learn more about the Rivkin Edu program

Want to learn more about becoming an instructor? Apply here.