My Inspiration: Mary Anne Kobylka

Mary Anne Kobylka

Relationship: Friend

After her first round of chemo, Mary Anne decided to celebrate by training for a triathlon. I thought she was nuts but felt obliged to be supportive and congratulate her when she successfully completed it. She then informed me that I would be participating in one the following year to help raise funds for ovarian cancer research. When I opined that I really wasn’t in shape to engage in such an activity, she laughed and said, “Please, it’s not like you just had chemo.” I said, “I can’t believe you went there.” She said, “toughen up, buttercup.” She also ‘persuaded’ my sister and cousin to participate. We survived the triathlon the next summer without any cardiac events but were absolutely thrilled when she suggested the SummerRun & Walk as an alternative to future triathlons. It is a family tradition now, even though she’s gone. Last summer was the 10th anniversary of her passing and we all flew out to celebrate her memory with joy and laughter. She was and is my hero.

Submitted: Friend